Teacher Certification Program in San Antonio Texas
Alternative teacher certification programs are commonly geared toward aspiring teachers that have already obtained a baccalaureate degree, but still require coursework and training to fulfill state requirements. An alternative certification program is a general term that is used to define those that utilize a nontraditional avenue to becoming a certified teacher. Early data shows that those entering the teaching occupation through alternative certification programs have higher retention rates than those entering teaching through traditional college-based programs. People pursuing alternative certification in San Antonio are often older, diverse, include more men, practiced in occupations other than education, and college graduates with degrees other than education.
Texas is among the top three states, along with California and New Jersey, which have been developing and utilizing alternative routes for teacher certification since the mid-1980s. In Texas, 24% of it’s new hires come through alternative routes, rather than traditional college-based programs.
The National Center for Education Statistics reported the average age of brand-new teachers to be 29 years old, suggesting that many teachers do not enter the teacher workforce in their early twenties- an age that is associates with being right out of college. Alternative certification in San Antonio helps to draw individuals who have a variety of work and life experience, which boosts the quantity, diversity, and quality of teachers. Alternative certification programs in the San Antonio area have traditionally been a brick and mortar operation. However, online alternative certification programs have been developed in the past year to give candidates new options in becoming a certified teacher in the state of Texas.
Web-Centric is challenging the traditional alternative certification format in San Antonio by offering an online program that is geared specifically for this generation’s technological savvy student. The latest technological advances in video games and the Internet are relevant in the classroom and to the students that you will be teaching. Web-Centric recognizes the relationship between technology and the classroom and strives to connect your students to real world problems, applications, and solutions. This is not the classroom experience that you probably encountered during your own school years. As students today change in the way they learn, teachers must change the way they teach and relate information.
The Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program offers online alternative certification in San Antonio by utilizing collaborative distance learning programs. The Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program has one goal in mind – to promote higher student achievement by offering a service that is project based in nature. The online alternative certification program will allow candidates choosing to complete the alternative certification program in San Antonio area to spend more time with their family, while retaining steady employment while they transition into the teaching field. The alternative certification program offered in the San Antonio area is completely web-based, which makes it very convenient for teaching candidates. In eighteen short months, a teaching candidate enrolled in the Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program can become a certified teacher in the state of Texas.
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