Online Teacher Certification in Dallas Texas

The Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program (WCACP) is a 100% online program that will allow you to obtain your Texas teacher certification in Dallas, Texas.

Field Experience Options

Internship: Is a paid teaching position that will last for approximately one year.

Clinical Teaching: Is a non-paid position that can be completed in one semester.

WCACP works closely with local school districts to help find teaching jobs. Our candidate search database gives principals and HR Directors around Texas a listing of all highly qualified teaching candidates enrolled in the program that are ready to be hired.

For more information regarding the program, please give us a call at 832-220-3451 or email us at One of our customer service representatives can help you with your teacher certification questions.

Alternative Teaching Certification in Dallas, Texas

The landscape of alternative certification programs in the Dallas, Texas area have shifted in the past few years. Online alternative certification programs have presented a new innovative option for training and preparing individuals to become certified teachers in the Dallas area. Alternative certification has become more popular as teaching salaries have increased and individuals decide to transition into a career that allows them to spend more time at home with their families. A teaching career will allow teachers to spend the entire summer months of June, July, and part of August with their children. On average, teachers also receive a week off for spring break and Thanksgiving, along with two weeks at Christmas. Teaching is an attractive field for residents of Dallas that are to a point in the life where work comes second to spending time with their family.

Online alternative certification programs are an attractive avenue for individuals that are transitioning into another career and it's becoming a popular way to transition into a field with respectable pay scales and the flexibility to manage a growing family. It's becoming more popular for people to enroll in an Alternative certification program as the need for certified teachers in hard to fill disciplines continues to grow in Dallas and neighboring suburbs. The Dallas area is continually growing each year, which translates into new schools being built and a need for new teachers to fill growth positions is increasing. The census reports over one million people currently reside in the city of Dallas and the population in and around Dallas is forecast to continue to grow at a steady rate for the next five to ten years.

The advent of private entities offering alternative certification in Dallas has resulted in a positive change in the classroom. Alternative certification candidates have been found through various research based studies to have a higher retention rate after five years than traditional certification routes resulting from four-year degrees.

If you are interested in becoming a Texas school teacher and would like to obtain your certification using an alternative route, the Web-Centric Alternative Certification Program offered by etools4Education is a perfect way for you to become a successful classroom teacher in Texas. To qualify, you must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The Web-Centric program will consist of a short online training period, followed by a one-year internship with a school district or accredited private school. All study material will consist of project based learning that will involve collaboration with cohorts and program administrators as they prepare candidates to pass the content and PPR tests. This type of learning will prepare teaching interns to develop curriculum and have a firm foundation of classroom management skills before they enter the classroom.

Our 100% online teacher certification program will allow candidates to learn at their own pace and from the confines of their residence.

Download our Course Catalog for more information