Video Conferencing
Video conferencing has revolutionized the way communications between individuals in different locations is conducted. It allows distance learning to take place between administrators, teacher, students and parents within school districts around the nation. There are several reasons why this emerging technology will flourish in the coming decade and beyond.
Benefits of using a video conferencing system for your students:
1. Heightens motivation among your students
2. Improves communication skills
3. Increases the depth of learning
A video conferencing system allows school districts to integrate technology into teachers curriculum on an ongoing basis. Teachers can plan interactive activities using a video conferencing system to help heighten the motivation among students. Getting away from the mundane bookwork students experience on a daily basis will promote creative thinking among students. Students will also perceive video guests as more important and will have a tendency to listen more intently to presentations via a video conference. In addition, video conferencing allow learning to take place from a primary source rather than from a textbook or worksheet. Interactive learning can take place when teachers are given the chance to implement a conferencing system into the curriculum.
Benefits of using video conferencing for teachers:
1. Adds a new dimension to curriculum planning.
2. Teachers have a larger pool of resources and presentations to pull from.
3. Provides a venue for interaction with other teachers across the district.
4. Allows for certain staff development programs to be taught.
A video conference allows teachers to expand upon their normal curriculum and everyday activities in the classroom. This form of technology allows children to be exposed to innovative solutions that facilitate face-to-face contact with a person hundreds of miles away. In addition, teachers have a larger pool of resources to integrate into their curriculum, such as online speakers, college presentations and interactive feeds from subject matter experts. A video conferencing system enhances the educational subject matter and exposure a student can receive in the classroom. In addition, teachers are free to interact with their counterparts within the district to plan curriculum and teaching strategies without leaving the confines of their school. Needless travel around the school district is nullified using a video conferencing system. Administrators can offer staff developmental programs via a video conferencing system to teachers around the district. Again, this erases the need for teachers to travel throughout the district for staff development. Staff development programs can be offered to teachers before school, during their planning period or after school.
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